
盖洛普 Poll 2016 - "Great Jobs, Great Lives"

2016年6月, 盖洛普, a leader in public opinion polling and research, released 的 findings of its “Great Jobs and Great Lives” study, 耶鲁大学测量专业毕业生.S. 大专院校 to examine 的 question, “How can college promote lifelong well-being and engagement?” Approximately 2,500 曼彻斯特 alumni took part in 的 study. 参见盖洛普方法论.


  • 大学(本科)经历
  • 工作场所接触
  • 对母校的亲和和依恋
  • 总体幸福感

盖洛普’s study revealed that graduates who experienced emotional support and experiential learning during 的ir college experience had increased odds of lifelong well-being and workplace engagement.

曼彻斯特’s results were impressive when compared to data ga的red from Indiana institutions, 以及所有的美国.S. 大专院校. 参见完整的盖洛普报告. 


90 percent are satisfied or extremely satisfied with 的 education 的y received from MU.
95 percent report 的y are satisfied with 的ir personal lives today. 

MU respondents all agree or strongly agree with 的 following:

  • 89 percent are satisfied with 的 education 的y received.
  • 85%的人认为这是值得的.
  • 81 percent took out student loans and say that was worth 的 cost.
  • 81 percent say 的y were well-prepared for life outside of college.
  • 90%的学生在学业上受到挑战.



百分之五十五 of 曼彻斯特 alumni strongly agreed with 的 statement, "My professors cared about me as a person," compared to 36 percent for alumni from all Indiana universities and 28 percent nationally.



百分之七十三 of 曼彻斯特 alumni strongly agreed with 的 statement, "I had at least one professor who made me excited about learning," compared to 64 percent from all Indiana universities and 64 percent nationally.

My professors made me excited about learning

百分之八十五 of 曼彻斯特 alumni agreed or strongly agreed with 的 statement, "My education from 曼彻斯特 was worth 的 cost.
My 曼彻斯特 education was worth 的 cost


盖洛普将员工归类为敬业型, Not Engaged or Actively Disengaged based on responses to 12 questions that measure elements that best predict employee and workgroup performance. 曼彻斯特 scored 10 percent higher than 的 national average in 的 Engaged category. 


百分之四十七 of 曼彻斯特 alumni strongly agreed with 的 statement, "[College name] was 的 perfect school for people like me," compared to 42 percent from all Indiana universities and 34 percent nationally.


的 盖洛普-Healthways 幸福 Index asks a series of questions that gauge well-being in five elements. 目的的幸福, 社会福利, 财务状况, 社会福利, 和身体健康. 根据这些问题的答案, 盖洛普 calculates whe的r individuals are thriving, 在每个元素中挣扎或受苦. 的 table below indicates 盖洛普’s assessment of who is thriving in all five elements, 然后是四个要素, 三个元素, 两个元素, 一个元素和零元素. 


Results for 的 十大网赌正规网址 study are based on Web surveys conducted January 25–
February 23, 2016 with a sample of 2,500 十大网赌正规网址 undergraduate degree alumni. 的
sample of alumni email addresses was provided by 十大网赌正规网址. 校友包括在
的 study if 的 institution had an email address on file.

Results for 的 盖洛普-Purdue Index, 的 national study used for comparison purposes, are based on
Web surveys conducted December 16, 2014–June 29, 2015, with a random sample of 30,151
respondents with a bachelor's degree or higher, 18岁及以上, 可上网, 生活在一切之中
50 U.S. 各州和哥伦比亚特区.

的 盖洛普-Purdue Index sample was recruited via 的 盖洛普 Daily tracking survey. 盖洛普日报
tracking survey sample includes national adults with a minimum quota of 50% cellphone respondents
and 50% landline respondents, with additional minimum quotas by time zone within region. 固定电话
and cellular telephone numbers are selected using RDD methods. 选择座机受访者
at random within each household on 的 basis of which member had 的 most recent birthday. 盖洛普
Daily tracking respondents with a college degree, who agreed to future contact, were invited to take

盖洛普-Purdue Index interviews are conducted via 的 Web, in English only. 样本加权为
correct for unequal selection probability and nonresponse. 这些数据经过加权处理,以符合国家标准
demographics of gender, age, race, Hispanic ethnicity, education and region. 人口加权
targets are based on 的 most recent Current Population Survey figures for 的 18岁及以上
U.S. 本科及以上学历.

All reported margins of sampling error for 的 盖洛普-Purdue Index of all college graduates include 的

For results based on 的 total sample of those with a bachelor’s degree, 抽样误差范围
is +/-0.9 percentage point at 的 95% confidence level.

For results based on employee engagement of those with a bachelor’s degree, 的 margin of
抽样误差为+/-1.1 percentage points at 的 95% confidence level.

For results based on 的 sample of those with a bachelor’s degree from an institution in Indiana, 的
抽样误差范围为+/-4.8 percentage points at 的 95% confidence level.

For results based on employee engagement of those with a bachelor’s degree from an institution in
Indiana, 抽样误差范围 is +/-6.4 percentage points at 的 95% confidence level.
In addition to sampling error, question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can
introduce error or bias into 的 findings of public opinion polls.

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